Linked 08: Destiny – You Can’t Do It Alone
Today Christy Austin speaks to Anthony Turner. He is the founder of Destiny Ministries International, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Today Christy Austin speaks to Anthony Turner. He is the founder of Destiny Ministries International, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Hey just posted a video on an exercise that best describes you. You’re invited to jump in on it.
Are You Real GOVERNMENT Host Dubb Alexander live from Washington D.C. on Presidents Day
We are called to go into a city to transform it by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s a high calling, but how are we expected to go? Are we to charge with the force of an army, go when we feel like it, or go alone? We’ve been walking through Luke 10 to understand what…
Sometimes, the next step we need to take to achieve our dreams becomes clear, but it’s not so much as a step as it is a leap. Taking those big leaps of faith takes a lot of confidence, but what happens when you start losing confidence in yourself and what God has in store for your life? Small steps after a huge leap can go a long way towards building confidence, and that is why I have my cousin Natalie Schlabs on the show today.