Category : Government

Government 06: Statesman Kingdom Understanding with Dr. Barry Lenhardt

Christians today are very good at the priestly practices but are often find themselves uncomfortable or intimidated by the kingly practices. God’s Kingdom on earth functions in much the same way as an earthly one. There is a ruler, a structure, and a line of command. You and I, as followers of Jesus, have inherited the kingdom from God’s own son. We can participate in princely powers and activities just as he does. It isn’t just a privilege, it is our birthright.

Government 4 – USGLC Chairman Dr. Reuben Egolf

The level of influence you can achieve at the top of the government mountain can shape nations. God wants to bring his government to earth, and we know he is using gifted individuals to do that. Today, I am speaking with Dr. Reuben Egolf, Chairman of the United States Global Leadership Council. If anyone embodies what it means to be a Kingdom Statesman, it’s Reuben.


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